Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Candidate Focus - Earl Sholley

In our efforts to highlight Republicans running for office, today we focus on Earl Sholley, who is running against one of Massachusetts most notorious liberals - Barney Frank.  Let's help Earl in his battle to unseat a disgraceful Congressman.

This is a piece I received from a Sholley supporter that I thought was an absolutely great piece from Earl.
August 18, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to the new Health Care bill. Remember when
President Obama signed that Executive Order for Bart Stupak promising no
federal funds would be dispersed for abortion in order to get the votes of
14 Democrats who claimed to be pro-life? Stupak became a hero, didn't he?
Remember how Sarah Palin was savaged by the president and his media for
claiming that the Health Care bill had sections in it which would lead to
Death Panels?

Before the ink was dry on the president's Executive Order, $160 million was
given to the state of Pennsylvania to pay for mandated high risk insurance
pools geared to cover all "legal" abortions. Within days another $37 million
went to the state of New Mexico for the enrollment of individuals for
benefits to be received beginning in August and including an elective for
abortion services once a deductable was paid.

Page 53 of Maryland's Health Insurance Program's "2010 Plan Year Certificate
of Coverage" indicates the use of federal funds for abortion under
"Maternity Services".

Obama's Pre-existing Conditions scam in the Health Care bill is being
directly administered in 21 states across the country to the tune of $5
billion. Another 29 states and D.C. will administer PCIPs through their own
state programs.

The pro-life community has been vigilant and the recent outcry by the
National Right to Life organizations throughout the country has shined a
beacon of light on ObamaCare, leaving the HHS secretary scrambling for
excuses. We're winning folks! And it's all because of you that the silent
screams of God's littlest angels are finally being heard.

President Obama also promised the American people that they would "maintain
their right to a variety of health choices". In the same breath, he
appointed Donald Berwick - the man who stated in a public forum that
"healthcare is by definition redistributional" - to head Medicare &

The UK Telegraph recently discovered that the FDA advisory Board has dropped
its endorsement of the drug Avastin which is used to treat colon cancer and
advanced breast cancer citing "cost effectiveness" for their decision.

When healthcare is restricted or rationed by government bureaucracies,
people die. Once the approval of a drug is revoked, insurance companies stop
paying for it. When a government bureaucracy becomes the decision-maker in
what costs insurance companies are allowed to incur to save your life, these
government bureaucracies indeed become "Death Panels".

It's long past time for Americans to hear the truth about ObamaCare and the
atrocious Health Care bill that was rammed down the throat of the American
people who never asked for it, don't want it, and are determined to vote
come November for candidates who promise to repeal it!

I am that candidate.

I ask for your vote on Primary Day, September 14th. As your elected
representative of the 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts, I will
bring your votes, your ideas and your future to Washington.

Earl Sholley

For more information on Earl Sholley, please visit his web site.

Semper Fi.

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