Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Failure of the MASS GOP

Now that Scott Brown has announced that he will not run a third campaign in two years, the plethora of announcements of who won't run has dominated and highlighted the weakness of the Republican party in Massachusetts.

Tagg Romney?  Really?  Kerry Healey?  Because, ... she ran such a great campaign for Governor and would be more formidable this time?  Richard Tisei?  I know, the Libertarian stole votes.  BS.  He lost to a corrupt Congressman who couldn't have done anything more to hand Tisei the seat. 

And my favorite, Bill Weld.  The guy who gave up the Governorship because he was bored, or whatever, then tried to become Bill Clinton's Ambassador to Mexico, and oh by the way, endorsed Barrack Hussein Obama for President.  Hmm, sounds about right for the RINO's.

What we have here folks is a failure to launch, so to speak.  The Republican PARTY is anything but a political party in Massachusetts.  I know, I know, you can't be a Conservative and win in Massachusetts they say.  Has anyone tried it lately?  Or is it a way for the elite's of the party to favor a candidate like them?  You know, lacking convictions? 

Saying that you cannot be a Conservative and win in Massachusetts is cowardly.  It shows that the party leadership has given up everything that makes us different from Liberals/Democrats and focus solely on financial issues.  But not really.  Because the social issues drive the financial issues in this state and in the country, lacking the moral conviction to espouse Conservatism, has led our state and nation to the brink of financial collapse and the Republican Party as a shell of its former self.

All of the potential names above have one thing in common, socially moderate which means they are socially liberal and unwilling to tackle the tough problems ahead.

What it has also done is to let the Liberals seize control of every aspect of our state government, from the House and Senate to jobs, to Board and Committee appointments, so that if you are Conservative, you're on the outside looking in.

What it also has done is to alienate what used to be the base of the party who no longer feel they have a voice.  And they're right. 

So where are we and what can we do?  Well, the Senate seat is lost before it begins because there is no leadership in Massachusetts.  At this writing Dan Winslow will most likely run according to sources.  That's well and good but what propelled Scott Brown, the Tea Party (gasp!) will most likely not be involved the same in this race as it was for Scott.  The MASS GOP has clearly shown it can't get out of its own way on races that matter (see Brown v. Warren, Baker v. Patrick, Healey v. Patrick, ...), so that is why I say it is lost before it begins.  Plus, whoever enters the race on the GOP side is entering as the guy/gal who is the token candidate.

It is time to start form scratch and start building a CONSERVATIVE base as an alternative to the lunacy in Boston.  I did not say Republican base, but a CONSERVATIVE base.  There is a difference, a HUGE difference.

The Patriot Initiative will forge a path for growth of a more Conservative alternative one candidate at a time.  What the MASS GOP has shown in the Brown loss and now the Candidate to be Named Later for the Kerry seat, is that it is useless and powerless and no longer speaks to the base of the party.

In the coming weeks the Patriot Initiative will launch a campaign to restore a Conservative balance in Massachusetts. We will work with candidates that understand that their ideals and beliefs matter more than the party they belong to.  It's time to put he party aside and support Conservative candidates regardless of their affiliation. 

Conservatism can win.  It just has to be tried.

1 comment:

  1. Dan Winslow running is "well and good"? As Gov Romney's Chief Legal Counsel, he was responsible for unconstitutionally implementing "gay marriage" (forcing the Town Clerks & JPs to comply), came up with the "Party A, Party B" wording on the marriage licenses, was endorsed by the Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus when he ran for State Rep in 2010, and was the sole Republican Rep to vote for the "Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes" bill in 2011. Talk about a RINO...
