Who said this?
“We’ve had implosions on Wall Street,” he said, in an interview with Bloomberg News yesterday. “We had bad behavior on Wall Street. We had lack of transparency on Wall Street. I believe they are, in some measure, responsible for a diminishment in trust.”
Barack Hussein Obama? Nope.
Hillary Clinton? Nope
Elizabeth Warren? Nope
Republican Presidential candidate Jon Hunstman? Yep!
I understand the simplicity in attacking Wall Street during a tough economic time but don't agree with it. Mr. Huntsman is shooting at a target, unfortunately it's the wrong target.
The target is CONGRESS! Period!
Congress, NOT Wall Street created the Community Reinvestment Law forcing banks to make bad loans. Congress, NOT Wall Street created Fannie and Freddie to bundled BILLIONS of dollars of bad loans to sell to Wall Street who sold them to us.
Congress, NOT Wall Street has spent TRILLIONS of DOLLARS it does not have! Congress, NOT Wall Street continues to demonize hard working Americans and place targets on their backs utilizing class warfare.
Just like Elmer Fudd, Jon Huntsman needs to get an aim on the right target before he starts shooting. Congress is the target Mr. Hunstman, not Wall Street or the American worker.
Republicans need to talk about the facts and stop demagogging like Democrats.
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