In a great book by Peter Schewizer titled 'Reagan's War', Mr, Schweizer hits upon the massive "nuclear missile" protests around the world during Reagan's Presidency, and who funded them. With the downfall of the KGB, files were opened which detailed information regarding the funding of these protests by communist governments, and other American enemies.
The book cites numerous examples of the "leaders" of the protests taking money and intelligence information to organize and expand their protests. While a good number of the protesters on the ground doing the chanting and carrying those professionally made signs, may have actually been there to display there disagreement with the policies of their governments, the reality is that the protests were professionally organized. And there is no doubt where the money came from.
What they weren't was spontaneous. And the protests were used by America's enemies to change world opinion and further their cause to weaken America and democracy around the world.
With unbelievable protests in Tunisia and Egypt spreading around the world, we need to take a step back and examine who is really behind them. The people on the ground were definitely protesting, but who sparked the fire? Who helped fund the organization of tens of thousands of people to camp out and protest 24 hours a day, seven days a week? Who was behind the "leaders" of these protests?
The game plan is the same, the players are just different for now. Thirty years ago, it was Communists. Today, it is the Muslim Brotherhood, with Communist governments behind the scenes. Can anyone doubt groups like Move On or Code Pink or any other anti-American group has some involvement in these protests?
What we are seeing unfolding today are anti-American and anti-Isreali factions spurring these massive events in the Middle East. The leaders of these events are using the same tactics that similar groups used during Reagan's Presidency. The difference is the region and the basis for the protests. The backers of these protests are duping the flock utilizing the same methods. Take one hot button issue and exploit it to the nth degree while getting the liberal media to follow like lemmings and turn a blind eye to how they are being organized.
Follow the money.
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