Monday, February 21, 2011

Protests - Follow the Money

In a great book by Peter Schewizer titled 'Reagan's War', Mr, Schweizer hits upon the massive "nuclear missile" protests around the world during Reagan's Presidency, and who funded them.  With the downfall of the KGB, files were opened which detailed information regarding the funding of these protests by communist governments, and other American enemies.

The book cites numerous examples of the "leaders" of the protests taking money and intelligence information to organize and expand their protests.  While a good number of the protesters on the ground doing the chanting and carrying those professionally made signs, may have actually been there to display there disagreement with the policies of their governments, the reality is that the protests were professionally organized.  And there is no doubt where the money came from.

What they weren't was spontaneous.  And the protests were used by America's enemies to change world opinion and further their cause to weaken America and democracy around the world.

With unbelievable protests in Tunisia and Egypt spreading around the world, we need to take a step back and examine who is really behind them.  The people on the ground were definitely protesting, but who sparked the fire?  Who helped fund the organization of tens of thousands of people to camp out and protest 24 hours a day, seven days a week?  Who was behind the "leaders" of these protests?

The game plan is the same, the players are just different for now.  Thirty years ago, it was Communists.  Today, it is the Muslim Brotherhood, with Communist governments behind the scenes.  Can anyone doubt groups like Move On or Code Pink or any other anti-American group has some involvement in these protests?

What we are seeing unfolding today are anti-American and anti-Isreali factions spurring these massive events in the Middle East.  The leaders of these events are using the same tactics that similar groups used during Reagan's Presidency.  The difference is the region and the basis for the protests.  The backers of these protests are duping the flock utilizing the same methods. Take one hot button issue and exploit it to the nth degree while getting the liberal media to follow like lemmings and turn a blind eye to how they are being organized.

Follow the money.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gov. To Be A "Travelin' Man"

In a recent article in the Boston Herald

it states that the Governor will become a Travelin' Man and hot the road "selling" Massachusetts and expanding our new growth industries...

Now the Guv will be going abroad to do this and to peddle his book I'm sure.  But before he goes, I'd like to ask the Governor one little favor -


I would hope that this missive would spur one Democrat and one Republican in the House to co-sponsor a Bill REQUIRING the Governor to address this issue before he dons sunscreen and racks up the points on his State Issued credit card.

This is a no brainer.  Get the Governor to address the one issue he refuses to until the 11th hour NOW!!!

Please, I'm begging someone in the State House to make this Governor work for his travel visas. 

Regardless of whether you favor Casino Gaming or not, the citizens of Massachusetts deserve to have the issue debated, vetted, and voted upon by their Representatives and know where they stand.  Anything less is a dereliction of duty.

C'mon Guv, let's get some work done before the fun and games!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random "Snowed In" Thoughts

Now that the snowfall is over and the sleet has started, it seems like a good time for some "Snowed In" random thoughts.

Now that Global Warming has been exposed as a fraud and was nothing more than a way to punish America by imposing 'Cap and Trade', moratoriums on drilling for oil (lest the burning of evil fossil fuels turned our planet into red hot Mars), the imposing of new fuel efficiency standards, etc., isn't it amazing how the media and global warming fanatics now cite everything as 'Climate Change'?

Hasn't the climate changed EVERY DAY since the dawn of time?  But if you choose a title so vague as 'Climate Change' you can categorize every storm, warm spell, or flood as an affect of man on the climate. 

What needs to be done is to classify these Global Warming kooks as a religious sect, because that what this is, and hit them with "separation of church and state" when they come up with Government mandates enforcing their beliefs on the public.

When is history not history?  Have you ever turned on the History Channel to see if there is anything interesting on it only to find a non-history show like Monster Quest?  Or a topic covering the invasion of wild pigs?  Or the history of sex?  I understand ratings and why certain programs air, but when history programming becomes a minor part of your daily offerings don't you need to change your moniker?  Perhaps to "History Channel - Sometimes" or something to that degree?

When did New Englanders become such wusses?  We have snow this winter, a lot of it!  And if you turn on any local news you would have thought we live in the South and that the storms we've been getting are once in a hundred year flood type storms.  I'm amazed at things like "where are we going to put it all?"  How about on the ground?  I've heard people actually say it isn't "fair" that we have all this snow.  Must have been Liberals, but still, MOVE if you don't think it's "fair".  And I love the advice we get from experts.  "Don't drive on the icy roads if you don't have to".  Or "it's bitterly cold outside make sure you bundle up".  No shit.  Never thought of that having lived in New England my whole life.  THANK YOU!

Folks, we live in a crazy world, but it's been crazy since GOD created it. And it's supposed to be that way or else life would be really boring. 

The next "leader" who can stand up and tell people that we have to take personal repsonsibility for our actions and stop blaming oothers for anything that goes wrong, and stop whining about life in America, will be the person who sweeps the country off it's feet.

Enjoy the craziness!  Life's too short not to.