Thursday, September 2, 2010

Patrick on the Beck Rally

A man holds a rally and it is uplifting. Another man holds a rally and he is divisive. What's the difference between the two?

I fully understand the importance and significance of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" rally. It is cited as a turning point in the civil rights movement in America. No doubt.

Isn't Glenn Beck's rally important and significant as well? Did he not hold out hope and compassion for his fellow man?  Did he not speak for millions who feel they are oppressed and ignored by their government?  It was certainly not a race rally, but was more of a faith rally, and that is the problem for liberals.

Glenn Beck has stirred the drink many times with his words, but his rally stirred the pot. What the liberals are so pissed off about is the fact the he has the audacity of talking about FAITH and PRAYER in public!  They're upset because he wants to bring GOD back into our lives! Oh My!

I watched parts of the rally and found some of it to be the Glenn Beck style of "laying it all on the table" and letting you and me take away what we want from it.  I found other parts truly illustrative of how great of a country we really live in.  There are so many people who are doing great things for others in America and it should be celebrated as it was this past weekend.

The liberal angst is that Beck's rally, while not politically charged, was patriotically charged, and shined a light of truth on the dark liberal agenda. The rally questions the role of Government and the lack of God in our lives. Yes, Glenn Beck actually publicly mentioned GOD! A Godless country is good for liberals as they move towards Socialism/Communism and push through their political agenda of dismantling corporate America. This is what makes Glenn Beck bad for liberal business.

Beck's rally has even hit here at home with Do Nothing Deval weighing in on it. Listen to the YouTube link of a radio interview with the Guv. It's revealing, and the host does a great job explaining the subtext:

Is it a gaffe or how liberals really feel?

As someone recently said - "I can see November from my back yard".

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