Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Barney Leaving Good for GOP?

Is Barney Frank "retiring" on the Mayan calender as part of the prediction of the end of the world?  It all seems pretty eerie.

The question is this however - "is Barney Frank's retirement good for the Massachusetts GOP?  All I heard yesterday was how the reign of horror is over and how this seat should now be a Republican oasis in Communistic Massachusetts.

While Mr. Frank retiring on any day is GREAT news, it certainly doesn't make this seat a sure fire MASS GOP victory.  My concern isn't with who may step up to run for this seat, but rather, does the MASS GOP have the ability to help a candidate capture this open seat?  Sean Bielat's run against Barney last cycle was formidable, but the next Democrat candidate will not have a Fannie/Freddie albatross hanging around his/her neck.

This week, the MASS GOP will elect a new Chairman/leader of the party.  The outgoing Chair touts the grass root victories last year as those of the MASS GOP.  The reality is however, that almost all of the State Party's assets and money went to the Governors race and NOT the State Rep races that MASS GOP claims as their own.  The MASS GOP has had little to no affect on the local races and their claim to fame seems to be sycophants to whoever is running for Governor.  Imagine how the Auditors race could have been different with a quarter of the money driven to the Governors race?

So, what will the next Chair of the MASS GOP do any differently to ensure that more State Reps and State Senators are elected?  A majority or a majority blocking Republican Senate will do more good for this state than a Republican Governor with no base in the House and Senate.  Why is this so obvious to almost all except those that run the State Party?

If you analyze the victory of all the new State Representatives, you will find that most, if not all, have a solid Conservative base.  So why won't the MASS GOP, as the leader of the Republicans in Massachusetts, acknowledge that the lack of GOP victories over the years is a direct result of the MASS GOP moving away from a Conservative platform to a liberal platform?  The answer is simple - jobs in administrations, appointed positions in Massachusetts government, and social status. 

The next elected leader of the MASS GOP has to put the party first and remind people of why Republicans are Republicans.  A Fiscal Conservative with Socially Moderate positions is NOT a CONSERVATIVE base.  What's the difference between that position and a conservative Democrat?  It would not have gotten most of our newer State Reps elected.

The choice is very clear Wednesday night, November 30th:  elect a same ole, same ole MASS GOP Chair whose orders come from above and grass roots is a foreign word, or elect a Conservative who will differentiate Republicans from Democrats and give the voters of Massachusetts a clear choice next November.

Click on this link for more information and ask your State Committee Man and Women to vote to make the MASS GOP accountable for their actions and support Frank McNamara.
